A Look Back: Chandra Persaud

As a boutique communications firm based in Connecticut, McDowell Communications Group is fortunate to be surrounded by a number of colleges and universities that support experiential learning for their students. Over the past few years, we have welcomed a number of student interns who have “flown the coop” and transitioned to success in the world of politics, public relations, and advertising. Chandra Persaud interned with MCG during her senior year at the University of Hartford. Her interest in politics peaked while working with us which led to her current position as a Junior Caseworker in Senator Chris Murphy’s office. She is the second feature in our “A Look Back” series.

Chandra Persaud

Chandra Persaud

Q: Tell us a little bit about your role with Senator Chris Murphy.

I am a Junior Caseworker for Senator Murphy. My role is to assist constituents who are looking for assistance with a federal agency. Some examples include: Medicare, the Social Security Administration, and the United States Postal Service. I was able to get an internship with the Senator's office after graduating a semester early from the University of Hartford in December 2018, which then led me to my current role as caseworker.

Q: What has been one positive change you've seen as the result of the pandemic in your line of work? (politics/digital marketing/etc.) 

One positive change that the Senator's office has made would be connecting to constituents virtually.  Beforehand, the Senator held both in person town halls throughout the state as well as tele-town halls. But now, due to the pandemic, he now only holds tele-town halls along with connecting with people over social media. This allows constituents to remain in the comfort of their home while listening to the Senator's latest COVID-19 updates and answering questions. The Senator's office has also been sending out email newsletters with additional information and resources.  I have heard from constituents how they look forward to receiving these newsletters and how much of a help they have been during this time.

Q: What has been your "can't live without" digital tool?

I would say my calendar has been my 'can't live without' digital tool. Ever since we started working from home, it can be very easy to become disorganized. By using my calendar, I am able to stick to a schedule which allows me to remain focused and on track throughout the day. 

Q: As you experienced, we’re all about our snacks at MCG. What’s your favorite?

My favorite snack is the One Protein Bar in Almond Bliss!