Recent news events glowingly highlight the contradictions that exist between legal strategy and communications strategy in matters playing out on the public stage.
As public affairs practitioners we often find ourselves working in this space.
We think it can generally be said that lawyers are more cautious about making a case in the court of public opinion. Lawyers prefer to make their case through filings and in the courtroom.
When it comes to managing a client’s public reputation however, public relations advisors will often recommend a more aggressive, public facing posture. Public perception can be important in the courtroom. In some cases a positive public reputation can work in favor of a client as a case works its way through the system. It is also important to consider how a legal matter will affect the reputation of the client once the case is decided.
With that as background, McDowell Communications Group has some basic rules about balancing legal advice with public relations advice.
The final decision about overall strategy should lie with the client.
It is our job to listen to and respect the advice of any attorneys involved in a client’s case and try to build that perspective into the public relations strategy.
As public relations advisors we should also make a strong case for our point of view on strategy to the client and the client’s legal team even if it seems at odds with the legal strategy.
The client benefits from an open debate about strategy between the two perspectives.
Once the client makes a decision about strategy it is our job to design a public relations plan that is consistent with that strategy.
Bottom Line: No matter who you choose as a public relations or legal partner they should work in tandem on your behalf and respect the expert opinions of everyone on the team.